Khoi Vu

Ha Long Bay

Who am I

My name is Khoi. I was borned in Hungyen Province. But now I am living in Hanoi.
And I am a senior Software Developer/Associate Technical Architecture at FPT Software.

Career Change

I was trained as a Embedded Software Engineering, but I am more interested in Application Software Development. So in early 2018 I decided to change my career to Application Software Development.
My major is C/C++ and also Qt/QML.

About this Site

This website was officially built in the winter of 2022
The main purposes of this website are listed here:

  • Discuss the Software development, Software architecture problems…
  • Present my independent research projects
  • Record my achievements

It should be noted that all the contents of this website are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

Contact me

If you have any questions or critical comments regarding my blog posts, please post your questions under the blog post. If you have any questions regarding my GitHub open source projects, please open an issue ticket in the repository. This will be beneficial for all the readers and save my time for not answering duplicated questions. For private questions, please contact me via my personal Email.


Khoi Vu

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